
Macao's work-related deaths double in 2010

Updated: 2011-06-30 19:03
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MACAO - Macao recorded 12 fatal work accidents last year, a two-fold increase over 2009, the Macao Daily Times reported on Thursday.

The newspaper quoted the latest figures released by the city's Labor Affairs Bureau (DSAL) as saying that a total of 5,644 workers became victims of work-related accidents last year, a slight drop of 4.5 percent over 2009.

The bureau reported an accident rate of 17.7 for every 1,000 workers, a decrease of 0.9 percent compared to previous years. Most victims were local workers who totaled 4,152 injuries, and 1,492 were non-resident.

The figures also indicated that 5,628 workers lost their ability to work temporarily and four lost their ability to work long-term last year.

An analysis of the victim's careers showed that most worked in the service industry, with 38.6 percent in the gaming industry and 24.8 percent in food and beverage and hotels.

The main causes of accidents at work were "extreme use of force or false movements" which covered 22.5 percent of all accidents. In addition, 19.4 percent were caused by "falling," by 17.4 percent of workers that were "trapped in or between objects," the DSAL figures said.
