Three Gorges Gorp. to build dam in Mauritius

Updated: 2011-10-10 14:19


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YICHANG - The China Three Gorges Corp. (CTGPC), the operator of China's largest water control program, has signed a contract with the Mauritian government to build a water conservation project in the African island nation, sources with the company said Monday.

The company will build a dam across the Terre Rouge River in Mauritius within three years, according to the sources.

The Bagatelle Dam will form a reservoir of 14.2 million cubic meters that will supply water for Port Louis, the country's capital city, and other downstream regions upon its completion.

Construction on the project involving $112 million is expected to start on December 1.

The project will be undertaken by the China International Water & Electric Corp. (CIWEC), a wholly-owned subsidiary of CTGPC.

The Export-Import Bank of China will provide soft loans to the project, which is the fifth one CIWEC has clinched since entering the Mauritian market, according to the company.

CTGPC signed a contract with the government of Cameroon to build the 200-million-dollar Lom Pangar Hydropower Project in August.