China reaffirms commitment to ties with India

Updated: 2011-10-25 18:45


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BEIJING - China on Tuesday underscored its commitment to consolidating ties with India after an Indian leader spoke positively of the relations between the world's two most populous countries.

"We've noticed the recent comments by Prime Minister (Manmohan) Singh. China would like to work with India to consolidate and enhance our bilateral strategic and cooperative partnership," Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Jiang Yu said at a daily press briefing.

Jiang's comments came after Singh said last Wednesday that although there are border problems between India and China, he believes "relations are quite good" overall.

As important neighbors of each other, China and India have maintained a good momentum in developing healthy and stable relations, Jiang said.

Regarding the border issues left over by history, Jiang said China and India are seeking a fair and justified approach that can create acceptable outcomes for both sides through friendly negotiations.

"Before the final settlement, both sides are committed to safeguarding the peace and stability of the border area," Jiang said.

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