More Chinese have medical security

Updated: 2012-01-05 22:03


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BEIJING - The structure of China's health care system is improving, with the percentage of costs covered out-of-pocket decreasing from 60 percent in 2001 to 35.5 percent in 2010, Health Minister Chen Zhu said Thursday.

Government spending on health care grew to 28.6 percent of the budget in 2010, Chen said at a national work conference.

China has devoted more effort to the creation of health care services in rural areas, Chen said.

"People show more trust in primary health care institutions," Chen said.

A survey conducted by the Ministry of Health indicated that 55 percent of urban citizens had medical security in 2003, with the number dropping to just 21 percent in rural areas. However, the figure increased to 89 percent in urban areas in 2011 and 97 percent in rural areas.