Physicist, architect take honors

Updated: 2012-02-15 07:27

By Li Yao and Xin Dingding (China Daily)

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When he returned to China in 1950, Wu committed himself to city planning, architectural design, landscape planning, as well as teaching and scientific research.

Three scientists from Japan along with five who hail from Germany, France, Britain, the United States and Australia, respectively, won the International Cooperation Award in Science and Technology.

They were honored for their contribution to China's science and technology progress in diverse fields, including mathematics, infectious diseases, medicine, biology, geology and nanometer materials.

Premier Wen Jiabao congratulated the laureates and commended Chinese scientists and foreign experts for their outstanding contributions to China's scientific community.

Wen pledged that China will continue its efforts to support innovation by creating a better environment for research and for young scientists to develop their careers.

German mathematician Andreas Dress, 74, was one of the eight foreign recipients.

Founder and the first director (2005 to 2010) of the Partner Institute for Computational Biology, a joint venture between the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Max Planck Society in Germany, Dress was awarded for helping foster young Chinese mathematicians.

During his five-year tenure, Dress facilitated the formation of a vibrant science community in China that has nurtured many talented youth and won recognition from the international community.

"Great changes are coming to China anyway, and I am glad to be part of it," Dress said.

He said he is confident that China will produce its own Nobel laureates in the near future.

So far, one foreign organization and 74 individuals have received the top honor from China.

Physicist, architect take honors

German mathematician Andreas Dress (third left), Japanese metallurgist Toshihiko Emi (fourth left) and six other experts from overseas won the International Cooperation Award in Science and Technology for their contribution to China's progress in science and technology. Ju Peng / Xinhua, and Cui Meng / China Daily 

Xinhua contributed to this story.

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