Bureau plays matchmaker for single police officers

Updated: 2012-02-15 08:02

By Huang Zhiling (China Daily)

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CHENGDU - Xie Kele surfs the Internet after work even if it is late at night. But instead of looking for clues to track down criminals, the 29-year-old police officer in Sichuan province is trying to find his better half on Sina Weibo, a popular Chinese micro-blogging website.

More than 10,000 women have written Xie since the Wuhou district police bureau of Chengdu, capital of Sichuan, released a poster with his pictures on Sina Weibo on Feb 2.

The "Plan to Rescue Single Cops", the post listing Xie's height, weight and quote, is his advertisement for a wife.

After posting his information, the bureau released information on four other single officers.

Aside from Xie, a traffic patrol officer, there is Wang Kai, 27, a traffic officer; Wang Tianbing, 24, crime scene investigator; Zhou Fan, 24, patrol officer, and Zhang Yinan, 25, a criminal officer.

Each is a college graduate, handsome and tall.

"They have about 50,000 fans. Xie, Wang Kai and Wang Tianbing each have more than 10,000 fans," said Yang Yu, a Sina employee.

Fans ask questions such as why such handsome men are still single, if they like only beautiful women, if they cook at home, and what their hobbies are.

Xie, who comes from Zigong in Sichuan, said he works so much that he has not had time to date since breaking up with his girlfriend a year ago.

Bureau plays matchmaker for single police officers

Wuhou district police bureau in Chengdu, capital of Sichuan, posted pictures of single police officers on Sina Weibo on Feb 2 to help them find spouses on the micro-blogging website. Provided to China Daily

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