Top adviser calls for closer Sino-Japan ties

Updated: 2012-02-17 19:34


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BEIJING - Top political adviser Jia Qinglin on Friday proposed boosting bilateral ties between China and Japan in light of the 40th anniversary of the normalization of bilateral ties.

Jia made the proposal during a meeting with the heads of seven Japanese person-to-person exchange groups, including representatives from Japan's political, economic and cultural sectors.

Jia hailed the last four decades of Sino-Japanese cooperation, stating that it has benefited both nations, as well as brought peace, stability and development to Asia and the world at large.

Jia urged the two sides to cherish the current state of bilateral ties, as they are now "standing at a new starting point in history."

China attaches importance to its relations with Japan and holds a friendly attitude toward the country, Jia said.

Jia said both sides should continue to develop their ties, enhance mutually beneficial cooperation, strengthen their traditional friendship and properly handle differences.

The Japanese guests pledged to promote exchanges and cooperation between Japan and China in order to contribute to mutual understanding and the development of bilateral ties.