China / Society

Shenzhen cracks down on serious crimes

( Updated: 2012-08-21 15:32

The Shenzhen public security bureau said on Aug 20 it will launch a crackdown on serious crimes. A series of violent crime incidents occurred in Shenzhen recently.

On Aug 8, a BMW driver was killed in the parking lot of the public security bureau, and on Aug 13 a policewoman had her throat cut by a robber in a downtown area.

The campaign will focus on crimes such as murder, rape, robbery, fraud and burglary. The police said it will also pay special attention to drug addicts and fugitives.

Meanwhile, it will also launch a crackdown on economic crime including gangs monopolizing the market, bribery, food safety crimes and financial fraud. It will also keep an eye on car theft, drunk driving and illegal street races.

The campaign will also target foreigners staying in Shenzhen without legal documents.

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