China / Government

County officials punished for cover-up

( Updated: 2012-08-29 20:55

Three top county officials were suspended and three others removed from office on Tuesday for covering up the number of casualties in a deadly firework factory explosion.

The firework factory exploded in Huaiyang county of Zhoukou city in Henan province on June 18.

The county government claimed the accident killed seven and injured 14. But an investigation carried out by the provincial government in August revealed the accident killed 28 and injured 20.

It is believed the government leaders lied about the death toll because they feared they would be punished.

According to law, any accident in which 10 or more people die should be reported to the local government within an hour.

Those who lie about the number of casualties or damages in major accidents could face administrative and legal punishment.

As investigation concluded that Huaiyang county officials lied about the accident. The Henan Administration of Work Safety said the county magistrate and two vice-magistrates will be suspended. Three other officials — the head of the county’s work safety bureau, the Party chief and head of Lutai town, where the factory is located — were removed from their posts.

The administration added that it will also hold accountable those who are responsible according to the law and the Party’s disciplines.

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