China / Society

Competition promotes Shaanxi female handicrafts

By Lu Hongyan and Ma Lie ( Updated: 2012-09-24 18:54

The fourth Shaanxi province womens handicraft skills competition was held on Monday in Xian, the province capital, with the aim of promoting small female-led business development in the region.

Zhang Ying, vice president of Shaanxi Provincial Womens Federation, said the competition, which was sponsored by the federation and six other provincial associations and government departments was intended to promote entrepreneurship among local women with handicraft skills.

More than 200 women took part in the competition. The oldest participant was 75 years old and the youngest 19. Six of the competitors were disabled, Zhang said.

The federation has been working hard to promote industry development for a number of years. Since 2009 it has organized 260 training events, which 36,000 women have taken part in.

There are five handicraft associations in Shaanxi and 15 production and demonstration bases, which have helped more than 150,000 women, from both urban and rural areas, develop their own handicraft businesses. Total income from Shaanxis handicraft industry is in excess of 600 million yuan ($95 million) a year, according to Zhang.

Participants from the fourth Shaanxi province womens handicraft skills competition will continue to demonstrate their skills in Xian until Sept 27.

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