China / Society

Fake product sellers will have to pay up

By Li Wenfang in Guangzhou ( Updated: 2012-10-23 16:44

Sellers of fake and substandard commodities will have to take the initial responsibility in compensating affected consumers when an amended regulation takes effect in Guangdong province on Nov 1.

The amendment of the regulation on dealing with illegal acts in the production and sale of fake and substandard commodities was passed by the Standing Committee of the Provincial People's Congress in late September.

Under the previous regulation, affected consumers could claim compensation from either the seller or the producer, which in reality hindered the efforts of consumers in safeguarding their interests, said Ren Xiaotie, director of the Administration of Quality and Technology Supervision of Guangdong.

The amended regulation also stipulates that the chiefs of the related government agencies hold the primary responsibility in handling key related cases, said Wang Bo, director of the Legislative Affairs Commission of the Standing Committee of the Provincial People's Congress, at a press conference on Oct 22.

The new regulation emphasizes the building of the market supervision system and the social credit system.

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