China / Government

Chinese premier to attend Asia-Europe Meeting

(Xinhua) Updated: 2012-10-29 19:01

BEIJING - Premier Wen Jiabao will attend the ninth Asia-Europe Meeting (ASEM) in Vientiane, Laos, and pay an official visit to the country from November 4 to 6, announced Foreign Ministry spokesman Hong Lei on Monday.

During the meeting, Wen will expound China's views on the global economic and financial situation and policies to strengthen Asia-Europe cooperation, said Hong at a daily news briefing.

The premier will also meet other leaders participating in the meeting and exchange ideas on bilateral relations and Asia-Europe cooperation, according to Hong.

During his stay in Laos, Wen is scheduled to meet with Lao leaders on further cementing China-Laos neighboring friendship so as to forge ahead in the partnership, the spokesman said.

The ninth ASEM, planned for November 5 to 6, will focus on how to enhance cooperation in various areas between Asia and Europe, facilitate economic recovery and tackle common challenges, according to previous media reports.

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