China / HK Macao Taiwan

Joint efforts called to resolve cross-Straits issues

(Xinhua) Updated: 2012-11-17 07:56

Joint efforts are needed to build a common understanding in a bid to solve cross-Straits political issues, a mainland spokesman said on Friday.

"Political issues in cross-Straits relations are always there. We will have to deal with them sooner or later," said Yang Yi, spokesman for the State Council Taiwan Affairs Office, at a regular news conference in Beijing.

"The two sides should work together to build a common understanding and pave the way for solving difficult political issues in the future."

Yang made the remarks in response to a question on whether the two sides had made any attempts to discuss political issues.

Addressing the opening of the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, Hu Jintao, general secretary of the 17th CPC Central Committee, suggested the two sides explore cross-Straits political relations and make reasonable arrangements for them under the special condition that the country is yet to be reunified.

The comments on cross-Straits issues in Hu's speech showed that the mainland has been pragmatic in the history between the two sides and new problems in cross-Straits relations, Yang said.

The remarks can be regarded as a positive response to concerns in Taiwan society, he said.

Also, Yang said that the two sides should address easier problems first and deal with issues step by step.

The two sides of the Taiwan Straits should continue economic cooperation and step up exchanges in the cultural and education sectors while preparing to settle political and military issues, he said.

The mainland would like to implement the Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement and discuss its follow-up pacts with Taiwan as well as gradually remove barriers in cross-Straits trade and investment, he said.

"We will as always take care of the concerns of ordinary Taiwan people and try our best to look after the interests of small enterprises, traditional businesses and common people, especially those in the southern and central part of Taiwan," he said.

Yang said that the CPC will not engage in interparty contact with Taiwan's opposition Democratic Progressive Party unless it ceases its pursuit of "Taiwanese independence".

"We hope the DPP can respond to the will of compatriots across the Taiwan Straits and change its 'Taiwan independence' stance of 'one country on each side' so as to make its due efforts to stabilize the region's situation and promote compatriots' interests," Yang said.

Yang said it was explicitly stated in the report of the just concluded 18th CPC National Congress that "we are ready to conduct exchanges, dialogue and cooperation with any political party in Taiwan as long as it does not seek 'Taiwan independence' and recognizes the one-China principle".

"We welcome people from the DPP to conduct exchanges and visits on the mainland in the proper capacity," he added.

Yang also said that the mainland will hold a symposium to mark the 20th anniversary of the "1992 Consensus".

The meeting, which will be held on Nov 26, will be sponsored by the Taiwan Work Office of the CPC Central Committee, the State Council Taiwan Affairs Office and the Beijing-based Association for Relations Across the Taiwan Straits, or ARATS.

Mainland's Taiwan affairs chief Wang Yi and ARATS President Chen Yunlin will address the meeting, explaining the significance of the "1992 Consensus" in promoting cross-Straits negotiations and peaceful development of ties between the mainland and Taiwan.

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