China / Government

China Zhigong Party to hold 14th National Congress

(Xinhua) Updated: 2012-12-02 22:55

BEIJING - China Zhigong Party, a non-communist political party with about 20,000 members, will hold its 14th National Congress from December 3 to 6 in Beijing.

It was announced at the sixth plenary session of the party's 13th Central Committee held on Sunday.

Chairman of China Zhigong Party's Central Committee Wan Gang said that the upcoming national congress will hold high banner of socialism with Chinese characteristics and carefully study the spirit of the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC).

A leadership transition will also take place at the upcoming national congress of China Zhigong Party, according to Wan who is also Minister of Science and Technology.

Sunday's plenary session passed a draft report by the party's 13th Central Committee, a draft amendment to the party's constitution and also a draft schedule of the 14th National Congress.

China Zhigong Party was founded in October 1925 and mainly comprises overseas Chinese who returned to mainland, relatives of nationals living abroad as well as those with close relations with overseas Chinese.

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