China / Society

Battle to save valuable Tibetan herbs

By WANG HUAZHONGin Nyingchi, Tibet (China Daily) Updated: 2012-12-27 00:31

Growing herbal plants brings economic benefits to locals, said Pema Yeshi, deputy director of the county's agriculture and animal husbandry bureau.

Pema Yeshi said the ecological system of the plateau is very fragile. The local government forbade tree logging in the 1990s and the policy reduced many people's incomes.

"We established the herb base, trained more than 1,000 people and developed it into a demonstration project that encourages locals to shift to a high-profit business."

The county government also gave out seeds for free and subsidizes farmers 8,100 yuan ($1,300) for every hectare of land growing herbs. When the harvest is ready, the county buys the herbs and sells them in the market.

The base has succeeded in planting 11 kinds of herbs, such as saffron, on 8 hectares of land. Farmers living nearby shifted from growing agricultural products to herbs on 12 hectares of land since 2010.

Local herb collector Zomkyi, 48, said growing herbs not only generated 30,000 yuan of income for her family this year, but also changed her lifestyle. Her family had to travel into the mountains to find herbs four years ago.

"For every trip, we brought food, drinks and tents with us and spent a week in the mountains. It was very dangerous. Some herbs grow on the cliffs."

Zomkyi said she will not have to risk her life any more.

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