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Artists to entertain overseas Chinese

chinadaily.com.cn | Updated: 2013-01-25 22:12

Performing artists have been lined up to entertain overseas Chinese across the world for the forthcoming Spring Festival season.

The performances are being arranged by the Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the State Council.

The artists will form 11 teams and perform in major cities with overseas Chinese populations, including London, New York, Sydney and San Diego. Tickets will also be available for local residents.

The global tour - the Culture of China, Festival of Spring - will start in London on Feb 10, the first day of Spring Festival, and end on March 6 in Macao.

The tour, which first took place in 2009 and has since become a well received annual tradition, has attracted many Chinese performing artists, including the country's top soprano, Song Zuying, and Peking Opera artist Yu Kuizhi.

For the coming season, as part of the tour, Song will host four solo concerts, in New York on Feb 16, Washington on Feb 19, Los Angeles on March 1 and San Francisco on March 3.

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