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China protests Japan's violation of one-China policy

Xinhua | Updated: 2013-03-11 20:53

BEIJING  -- China on Monday made representations to Japan over its violation of the one-China policy during its commemorations of an earthquake anniversary.

"We have made solemn representations to Japan and are strongly dissatisfied with and protest Japan's acts," Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Hua Chunying said in a statement on Monday.

For Monday's commemorations of the earthquake that ravaged Japan in 2011, the Japanese government invited representatives from foreign countries and regions, including staff from the Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office in Japan.

The Japanese side arranged to place the persons from Taiwan in the same zone designated for diplomatic envoys and personnel of international organizations attending the ceremony.

Hua said by doing so, the Japanese side violated the principles and spirit of the Sino-Japanese Joint Declaration, as well as the commitment that the Japanese side has made on the Taiwan issue.

"The Chinese side has expressed its position of strong opposition to the Japanese side," Hua said.

She reiterated that China diametrically opposes attempts by any countries to create "two Chinas" or "one China, one Taiwan" in any form. She said such attempts will in no way succeed.

"We urge the Japanese side to correct the mistake and live up to its commitment," Hua said.

The spokeswoman added that after the toll of the earthquakes on March 11, 2011, the Chinese government and people have extended comfort and support to the Japanese, while the Taiwan region of China also offered assistance to Japan.

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