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Youth asked to learn from Good Samaritans

Xinhua | Updated: 2013-03-17 18:18

BEIJING - The Ministry of Education on Sunday encouraged Chinese youth to learn from Good Samaritans.

All education departments and schools are urged to organize students to watch the 2013 awards ceremony for "Touching China," a program that annually selects ten inspiring individuals and groups to receive awards, according to a circular issued by the ministry.

The program was launched by China Central Television (CCTV) in 2002.

This year's ceremony was initially held on Feb 19 and will be televised again on March 20. Schools will receive free video copies of the ceremony, the ministry said.

Luo Yang, the head of production for China's J-15 jet fighter, was among the 2013 award recipients. Luo spent days observing landing tests on China's first aircraft carrier, the Liaoning, before suffering a heart attack and dying in a hospital at the age of 51.

Zhang Lili, a middle school teacher from Northeast China's Heilongjiang province who lost her legs while saving two students from an oncoming bus, was also awarded for her actions.

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