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President Xi concludes South Africa trip

Xinhua | Updated: 2013-03-29 15:29

DURBAN, South Africa - Chinese President Xi Jinping concluded his South Africa trip and left Durban for Brazzaville Friday for a state visit to the Republic of the Congo.

Xi began his state visit to South Africa on Monday, where he also attended the fifth summit of BRICS countries, namely Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa, in Durban.

On Tuesday, Xi met his South African counterpart Jacob Zuma in Pretoria. Both leaders discussed ways to enhance the comprehensive strategic partnership established between the two countries in 2010.

The two presidents agreed to make the bilateral relationship a strategic focus and priority in their respective foreign policies.

They also vowed to further expand and deepen political, economic and trade cooperation, and people-to-people and cultural exchanges, as well as cooperation in international and regional affairs.

In the South African port city of Durban, Xi attended the fifth BRICS summit, under the theme of "BRICS and Africa: Partnership for Development, Integration and Industrialization."

Speaking at the summit, the Chinese president said that to enhance cooperation with other BRICS countries has always been a priority on China's diplomatic agenda.

"China will continue to strengthen cooperation with other BRICS countries, in order to make the economic growth of BRICS countries more robust and our cooperation better structured and more productive," he said. "This will bring tangible benefits to people of all countries and make greater contributions to world peace and development."

Xi also attended the first BRICS Leaders-Africa Dialogue Forum, which was centered on the cooperation between BRICS and African countries in infrastructure.

Addressing the forum, Xi said the dialogue between leaders of BRICS and African countries reflected the political will of both sides to realize equality and inclusiveness, and seek common development.

Xi said the world cannot enjoy stability and prosperity without peace and development of Africa, and international affairs cannot be properly dealt with without Africa's participation, adding that the global governance system would lose vitality without Africa's saying.

BRICS and African countries are like-minded friends with extensive common interests, he said, noting that the development of each side holds opportunities for the other.

On Thursday morning, the Chinese president had a breakfast meeting with a group of African leaders. They exchanged views on the further development of China-Africa ties.

Xi's ongoing four-nation trip, his first after being elected China's president earlier this month, has already taken him to Russia and Tanzania.

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