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Guangxi deepens cooperation with Taiwan

By Li Yang in Nanning | chinadaily.com.cn | Updated: 2013-04-23 21:17

The Guangxi Zhuang autonomous region has sent a large delegation to Taiwan to expand and deepen the commercial, agricultural and transportation cooperation between the two sides.

The delegation, led by Party chief Peng Qinghua, arrived on April 22 and will be there until April 26.

All major cities in Guangxi are stepping up their cooperation with Taiwan enterprises and investors by making and implementing a series of favorable polices for Taiwan enterprises and for Taiwan people living and doing business in Guangxi.

Nanning is introducing large-scale amusement parks and iron and steel logistics parks from Taiwan to its suburban areas. The Liuzhou and Guilin city governments often organize meetings with Taiwan entrepreneurs for face-to-face communications to help the Taiwan people solve their problems with water, power, business registrations and credit loans.

Yulin offers Taiwan businessmen equal-citizen treatment in medical care and school education for children, and buying houses and agricultural insurance. Yulin also offers emergency assistance to promote its agricultural cooperation with Taiwan.

The Guangxi regional authority has promised to take all necessary means this year to construct Guangxi as a popular investment destiny for Taiwan enterprises and investors, and realize collective development of Taiwan enterprises in Guangxi.

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