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China playing bigger role in Middle East

By CHENG GUANGJIN and PU ZHENDONG | China Daily | Updated: 2013-05-06 01:37

Compromise unlikely

Hua said resuming peace talks between the two sides still face obstacles because they are unlikely to compromise over issues including division of the land, Palestine refugees and the status of Jerusalem.

"These issues are not only between Palestine and Israel but involve the whole Arab world," said Hua.

Peace and stability in the Middle East is a major concern for China, said Hua.

"China hopes to contribute to peace between Palestine and Israel, play a positive role and be a responsible power," he said.

Qu Xing, head of the China Institute of International Studies, said China has been actively promoting the peace process of the Middle East and mediating between Palestine and Israel and hopes the arrangement of their visits this time will be helpful in facilitating peace talks. But whether Abbas and Netanyahu can meet in China also depends on the schedules of the three countries' leaders, Qu said.

Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Hua Chunying said at a daily news conference on Friday that if Palestinian and Israeli leaders are willing to meet in China, China will provide all necessary assistance.

Qu said because of the delicate situation in the Middle East and China's increasing influence, the two countries leaders will be sure to talk about their peace visions for the region with Chinese leaders during their talks.

"If they would like to send out a certain message, I think the Chinese leaders will be happy to help it get passed on and do more in promoting the peace process," Qu said.

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