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Shanghai sends more medical support to Xinjiang

chinadaily.com.cn | Updated: 2013-06-26 21:42

The Shanghai Disabled Persons’ Federation has allocated 800,000 yuan ($130,000) to the second round of its support plan for Xinjiang to purchase hearing aids and help hearing-impaired and cerebral palsy children.

Two professionals from the federtaion were sent to the disabled rehabilitation center in Kashgar, Xinjiang, for a month to help the local federation build its own cochlear implantation base. It would be the first such base in the area. A hundred hearing aids were also sent to the center.

The Shanghai Disabled Persons’ Federation started its support of Xinjiang two years ago. A total of 112 disadvantaged children in Xinjiang were treated by a medical team sent from Shanghai in August 2011, including 22 with cerebral palsy. Training programs were also held for the parents of disabled children and community rehabilitation coordinators.

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