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China urges DPRK talks

By Li Xiaokun and Zhou Wa | China Daily | Updated: 2013-07-02 03:28

But Gong Yuzhen, a professor of international affairs at Peking University, said the chances of such a meeting in Brunei are slim due to the "lack of basic trust at the moment".

"However, various bilateral and multilateral talks in the Six-Party Talks' mechanism reflect a will from all sides to move ahead," Gong said. "Pyongyang is also adjusting its policies."

Wang Junsheng, a researcher on East Asian studies with the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, said the gathering in Brunei is actually a golden opportunity to discuss the DPRK's nuclear program.

South China Sea dispute

Kerry, who also met Japanese Foreign Minister Fumio Kishida and ROK Foreign Minister Yun Byung-se in Brunei, said on Monday that Washington holds national interests in the disputes in the South China Sea.

"We have a strong interest in the manner in which the disputes of the South China Sea are addressed, and in the conduct of the parties," Kerry said in opening remarks at the regional security conference.

The remarks came one day after China said it would hold "official consultations" with Southeast Asian nations on a proposed code of conduct governing naval actions in September.

Thailand's foreign minister hailed the move as "very significant".

Peking University's Gong said US involvement in the South China Sea disputes, part of its pivot to the Asia-Pacific, complicates the regional situation.

AFP and AP contributed to this story.

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