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Broken window replaced by letter with 100 yuan

chinadaily.com.cn | Updated: 2013-07-11 14:05

A man in Guangdong province received an anonymous letter of apology for breaking his window that included a 100 yuan bill, Southern Metropolis Daily reported Thursday.

On July 8, the man surnamed Hu, who lives in Guangzhou city, received a letter that said, "Sorry, I broke your window, and this is 100 yuan…I know it's my wrong, and please do not report to the police."

"We recognized the broken window may be caused by a thief," Hu said, making a guess. The evening before, they found the window screen was cut open but ignored it.

Hu was puzzled about the letter but guessed the writer might attempt to break in. Hu reported the letter to the police.

The next evening, Hu found the door lock broken.

"It must be done by the same 'thief" ", said Hu.

Local police said the lock was broken before and could not confirm that it was done by the letter writer.