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Front Page: July 12

chinadaily.com.cn | Updated: 2013-07-12 09:14

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People's Daily leads with Chinese premier Li Keqiang meeting with Nigerian President Goodluck Jonathan. Li said China is willing to work with Nigeria to enhance political mutual trust and cooperation in various fields, including trade and investment, infrastructure construction, energy, agriculture and culture, for the sustainable and healthy development of the two countries' relationship.

Sun Zhengcai, Party chief of Chongqing municipality, organized a symposium with non-Party members to solicit suggestions on improving the Party's work style, Chongqing News reported.

Shanghai-based Wenhui News reported the opening of the 9th Chinese International Cartoons and Games Exposition (CCG Expo), saying the city plans to become a creation and trading center of the cartoon industry before 2015.

British drug firm GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) in China is under investigation for suspected bribing of officials, hospitals, and doctors to bolster drug sales, Beijing News reports. GSK China said on Thursday it will cooperate fully with the police investigation into several senior executives over allegations of bribery and tax offenses, according to China Daily.

On the Internet

One of the most watched videos is of a tragedy in Harbin, Northeast China's Heilongjiang province. In the video clip, a young woman, born in 1995, is detained after she was suspected of throwing her newborn baby from the third-floor of a building. The baby died after it was run over by an SUV.

Internet users continue to pay close attention to the development of a gang rape case that involves PLA singer Li Shuangjiang's son. A lawyer for Li said in his blog, “The media has a responsibility to take care of and protect minors as well as veteran artists who have brought songs and smiles to the masses.” A newspaper comment criticized that nobody, no matter how privileged an artist, should be above the law.

Residents in the Xinjiang Uygur autonomous region have taken the initiative to hand in knives and explosives after police issued a notice asking the public to hand in dangerous articles, according to Urumqi's city public security department.

New Jersey chemist Li Tianle was convicted of murdering her husband Wang Xiaoye with a toxic metal, according to US media. Both Li and Wang graduated from leading Chinese universities. The news topped the Baidu search index. It is reminiscent of an unsolved case from China's Tsinghua University. Back in 1995, Zhu Ling, a talented chemistry student at Tsinghua, fell gravely ill due to thallium poisoning.

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