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Guangzhou to launch 72-hour visa-free stays

By ZHENG CAIXIONG, ZHAO YINAN and SHI YINGYING | China Daily | Updated: 2013-07-24 01:00


• 1994

Shenzhen becomes first Chinese city to introduce 72-hour convenient-visa policy for foreigners via Hong Kong. Visa procedures are streamlined but not scrapped entirely.

• 2000

Convenient-visa trial in Shenzhen extended to nine cities in Guangdong province, with limit of stay increased to 144 hours.

• January 2013

Beijing and Shanghai introduce 72-hour visa-free stay for citizens of 45 countries.

• June

State Council approves launch of visa-free policy in Chengdu, provincial capital of Sichuan. But local tourism authority says it needs time to prepare for it.

• August

Guangdong introduces 72-hour visa-free policy.


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