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Trending news across China, Sept 2

chinadaily.com.cn | Updated: 2013-09-02 09:21

Do you think picking up trash earns more than a college graduate? One man does, but for Kenneth Fok Kai-kong only the best will do. And Chen Guangbiao has barrels of cash to giveaway – it’s all trending across China.

Pilot, 5

Trending news across China, Sept 2

A five-year-old boy has broken the Guinness record for the youngest person to fly a light airplane alone.

Duoduo, the pilot, completed the 35-minute stunt on August 29, flying over Beijing Wildlife Park.

The boy was previously known for running naked in a snowfield in New York in early 2012 and his continuous accomplishments at such a young age. The rigorous parenting method by his father, who calls himself “eagle dad”, also stirred up heated debate online.

Proof love defies age

A 90-year-old woman finally walked down the aisle on Saturday with the love of her life who had moved to Taiwan as a soldier following Kuomingtang's retreat in 1949 without saying goodbye. Huang Xianglan, who was left alone in the mainland, was determined to wait for Wang Baoqi, 88, although she never heard from him for decades until 1984.

Renmin in NY

A giant image of Renmin University of China running on a large billboard in Times Square in New York has gone viral on the Internet.

The image will be repeatedly aired from August 30 to September 3, in an effort to improve the university’s international appeal, people.com.cn reported.

Real ATMs

People in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, and Nanjing will get genuine currency returned within three days when counterfeit money is issued from local ATMs starting from September, cnr.cn reported.

The improvement is because local banks have recorded the crown word number of every paper money in ATMs in advance.

One-eyed cat

Trending news across China, Sept 2

A newborn cat in Neijiang, Sichuan province was born with one eye in the middle of its forehead and no nose, Huaxi Metropolitan newspaper reported.

The cat died within a few hours of birth.

Chen's loaded

Chen Guangbiao, a Chinese entrepreneur and philanthropist appeared in Shanghai on August 30 with 32.7 million yuan in cash, which was carried in wheelbarrows and bamboo baskets.

Chen said the money will be used to support young people set up their own business with free interest for five years.

Combating rumors

A man surnamed Zhang in Guangzhou was detained on August 29 after he allegedly spread rumors that the country’s famous five combat heroes died after they bullied local villagers with guns, xinhuanet.com reported.

The five heroes were well known in China for diverting the Japanese army to a cliff on Langya Mountain, Hebei province to protect the main Chinese force and cover the villagers’ evacuation in 1941.

GM safe

Genetically modified food that has been approved for consumption is as safe as traditional varieties, the Ministry of Agriculture said on its website on August 31.

It has been proved fake that GM food cause tumors and affect the ability to give birth, it said.

Trash education

A father in Sichuan province refused to pay for his 19-year-old daughter’s further study in university as he believes picking up trash for a living can earn more money than a college graduate.

The girl, who is a freshman, still has no money to register at her university, newssc.org reported.

Expensive Fok

Trending news across China, Sept 2

Kenneth Fok Kai-kong, the eldest son of tycoon Timothy Fok has chosen a famous kindergarten in Hong Kong for his newborn baby which will cost up to 170,000 yuan a year, Guangzhou Daily reported.

Retired Olympic diving champion Guo Jingjing gave birth to the baby last week.