China's ICBC set to expand in Canada


As one of the largest commercial banks in the world, Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (the bank group) had expanded to 39 countries by the end of 2012.

Half of foreigners in ROK are Chinese


Almost 1.45 million foreigners live in South Korea, among which 53.7 percent are Chinese (775,474).

China-ROK partnership


The four-day visit to China by the President of the Republic of Korea, Park Geun-hye, which starts on Thursday, is expected to inject new vitality into the strategic cooperative partnership between the two countries, as it presents a good opportunity for the neighbors to deepen their cooperation at both the bilateral and the multilateral levels.

Chinese navy to visit US, New Zealand, Australia


Soldiers of the North China Sea Fleet, one of three fleets of the People's Liberation Army Navy, salute on the missile destroyer Qingdao before departure, in Qingdao, East China's Shandong province, Aug 20, 2013.

China, Australia trade increases in 2012


Australian families are large beneficiaries of the country's strengthening two-way trade with its largest trading partner, China.

Australia missing out on China FTA


Australia and China should mobilize negotiations for a free trade agreement, Australian Shadow Minister for Foreign Affairs and Trade Julie Bishop said.

Australia 'biting the hand' of China


A recent survey by the Lowy Research Institute in Sydney has cast light on an extraordinary contradiction in how Australians apparently view China, which buys 15 percent of their exports and is their biggest customer.

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President Xi visits Indonesia, Malaysia, attend APEC summit

Oct 2 to 3: Pay State Visit to Indonesia

Oct 4 to 5: Pay State Visit to Malaysia

Oct 6 to 8: Attend the 21st economic leaders' meeting of APEC forum and meet with global leaders in Bali, Indonesia


China's growth to benefit the world

With the US in a declining mode, the world needs a steadier China.

Thoughts after hearing Xi's speech

I was very happy to see that Xi Jinping did focus on trade and on the importance of Asia Pacific trade being cooperative and inclusive.