China / Society

Bus driver gets lenient sentence for passenger's death

By ZHENG CAIXIONG ( Updated: 2014-01-14 16:11

A bus driver surnamed Li has been sentenced to 18 months in jail with a two-year reprieve after an old man was killed falling to ground from his bus in Nanjing, Jiangsu province, Yangtze Evening News reported.

The accident took place at about 9 am on Oct 17 when Li suddenly accelerated as an 80-year-old man was getting off the bus.

Li, who is in his 40s, immediately stopped the bus, sought police help and helped send the victim to a hospital after the old man fell to the ground and suffered severe bleeding from his head.

The old man died a week later in hospital.

Li's bus company paid compensation of 330,000 yuan ($53,600) to the victim's family members.

Li was arrested on Oct 25 and was released upon bail pending for trial.

The court on Friday said Li had committed a traffic offence that caused a death.

Li's punishment was reduced because he acknowledged his guilt and did what he could to help the old man after the accident occurred.

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