China / Society

Robber dies in botched raid on tomb

By Ma Lie ( Updated: 2014-02-17 16:43

Four people robbed an ancient tomb in Jingyang county, Shaanxi province, in the early morning of Feb 14, and one of the robbers was killed in a collapse, Xi'an Evening News reported on Monday.

Police said the dead man, surnamed Fei, 41, was a villager from Xinzhuang near the ancient tomb, one of the attendant tombs of the Mausoleum of Emperor Hangaozu Liu Bang (256–195 BC), the first emperor of the Western Han Dynasty (206 BC–AD 24).

Fei went to rob the tomb that morning with his three partners and was buried underground after a pit they dug collapsed. At about 10 am that morning, Fei's family members asked police for help and rescuers found Fei's body on Sunday.

One of Fei's partners was caught by police and the other two fled.

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