China / Society

Chongqing proposed as start of Silk Road

By Tan Yingzi and Luo Wangshu in Beijing, Ji Jin in Chongqing ( Updated: 2014-03-14 16:34

The Chongqing delegation to the National People' Congress suggested the city be the start of the Silk Road economic belt and the hub of a 21st century maritime Silk Road, connecting the Chinese interior with the rest of the world.

Premier Li Keqiang spoke of deepening development of the "Silk Road" economic belt and the Yangtze River economic belt while presenting the government's work report on March 5.

"The 'roads' are like a pair of wings, pushing China's economic development," said Chongqing Mayor Huang Qifan.

He believes Chongqing has advantages in becoming the beginning of the new Silk Road. "The Chongqing-Xinjiang-Europe railway, heading northwest and connecting the Chinese interior city of Chongqing to Europe, takes 14 to 15 days, greatly reducing the cost of transporting goods from China's west region abroad," Huang said, adding that the two roads would attract much foreign investment.

"Chongqing, at the center of China, has the perfect geographic spot. It also enjoys convenient transportation by road, railway, water and air," Huang said.

Chongqing is at the upper and middle reaches of the Yangtze River, which connects to the maritime Silk Road.

It is the only municipal city in the midwest region, and also the national central city, connecting the Yangtze River economic belt and the "Silk Road" economic belt.

Chongqing aims to put full effort into its role as a hub and supporting point in "two belts" construction in order to carry out the national strategy.

According to the Chongqing delegation, this move will promote the national "Go West" strategy, boost the harmonious development of the east, middle and west areas, advance the opening-up of inland cities, expand domestic demand and upgrade industries in the Yangtze River basin.

President Xi Jinping first raised the idea of deepening cooperation between regions along the upper and middle reaches of Yangtze River in July 2013.

Xi also proposed Silk Road cooperation with central Asian countries during his visit to Kazakhstan in September 2013.

Huang believes the "two roads" will further enable western development.

"It will further facilitate Chongqing, as an example of the Chinese interior, becoming open to the world," Huang added.

Chongqing has already started seeking cooperation with Russia regarding the Silk Road strategy.

Russia plans to establish a consulate in Chongqing and open direct flights from Chongqing to locations in Russia in 2014, according to a conference focused on cooperation between regions along the middle and upper reaches of the Yangtze River in China and the Volga Federal District in Russia, which was held in Chongqing in February.

Chongqing deputy mayor Liu Qiang said that in the near future, Chongqing and the Volga district will launch cooperative programs related to helicopter and seaplane manufacturing in an aviation-oriented industrial park in the Chongqing Liangjiang New Area.

Government officials and company heads from both sides have introduced potential investment plans and cooperation opportunities, seeking further cooperation.

Up to 82 potential programs to serve Chongqing and the Volga Federal District in Russia were proposed during the conference.

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