China / Society

Greece and the body beautiful

(China Daily) Updated: 2014-03-21 07:51

Nude sports originated in ancient Greece. At that time people believed that the human body is one of the most beautiful things in nature, and the best vehicle to demonstrate human self-confidence and pride. Therefore, the Greeks not only engaged in nudism during festivals and sports activities, but also in a variety of art forms to express and praise the human body.

This concept and social practice was extended later to the ancient Roman Empire. However, with the rise of Christianity such practices were considered the work of the devil, as Christianity at that time believed the human body was the carrier of all avarice and sin.

During the Renaissance, humanists again began to promote the belief that the human body is beautiful, and started depicting and eulogizing the nude body in art. Although this current had been repressed by Protestant asceticism, it was always present in European culture.

- Zhang Lei

(China Daily 03/21/2014 page6)

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