China / Politics

Chinese army follows cyber laws: defense minister

(Xinhua) Updated: 2014-04-08 18:36

BEIJING - China's military has always limited its cyber operations within domestic and international law, said Defense Minister Chang Wanquan on Tuesday, after meeting with US counterpart Chuck Hagel.

Meeting journalists alongside Hagel, Chang called on all countries in the world to protect network security, and noted the security threats and challenges facing cyberspace.

"China has always adhered to the principle of peace, security, openness and cooperation in cyberspace," he said.

China and the United States have maintained communication on cyber security and share broad common interests in cyberspace, he said, adding that the two armed forces have conducted many candid and effective dialogues on the issue.

Chang called on the two sides to seriously carry out the important consensus reached by both countries' leaders on network security, enhance communication and avoid high-risk behavior in cyberspace, so as to prevent misjudgment.

"China has taken note of Hagel's attitude on cyberspace," he said, adding that China is willing to strengthen communication with the United States in this aspect, in order to turn the scenario into concrete policies and actions.

Last month, Hagel said in a speech at the National Security Agency headquarters that the United States does not seek to militarize cyberspace and the Pentagon "will maintain an approach of restraint to any cyber operations outside the US government networks."

He also said the United States wants to promote the qualities of the Internet that have made it a "catalyst for freedom and prosperity."

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