China / Society

Beijing to provide better info on disaster prevention

By Zheng Xin ( Updated: 2014-05-12 21:35

The Chinese capital's tourism authority seeks to provide tourists with more accurate and timely information on disaster prevention and damage reduction.

Residents and tourists in Beijing will receive security information and safety tips from the Beijing Tourism Development Committee during flood season and the country's major holidays to better prepare the public of possible dangers.

The commission will also further cooperate with the city's flood-prevention office and meteorological office to better enhance the city's disaster response capacity.

It also promises to carry out more emergency exercises and drills to improve the assistance ability of the industry's personnel.

The commission has carried out a publicity campaign on disaster prevention and damage reduction of the tourism industry in the city on Monday, the Sixth National Disaster Prevention and Reduction Day.

It has handed out brochures and booklets on tourism emergency and general knowledge of the tourism law to the public in the Old Summer Palace, or Yuanmingyuan Park.

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