China / Society

Beijing police solicit opinions from ethnic groups

(Xinhua) Updated: 2014-05-28 18:43

BEIJING - Beijing police are to solicit opinions and advice from ethnic minorities on public security management, and to hear their difficulties as well as promote security awareness.

Head of Beijing Public Security Bureau said the campaign, which features "face to face service, heart to heart communication, close connection with ethnic groups to build a harmonious city", urges police officers, especially those on the streets, to strengthen connection with locals.

Fu Zhenghua, vice minister of public security and chief of Beijing police, addressed a symposium on Tuesday with Hui, Uygur and Kazak delegates in attendance. Delegates have strongly criticized terror attacks, saying development can not be achieved without stability and unity.

Fu said he expects people of all ethnic groups to team up in reporting illegal activities to better fight terrorism.

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