China / Society

39 pupils infected with diarrhea

(Xinhua) Updated: 2014-09-06 13:46

CHANGSHA -- A total of 39 students contracted collective diarrhea in a township primary school in Central China's Hunan province, confirmed local authorities on Saturday.

From Thursday to Saturday, students of the Central Primary School of Gongxi Township in Xinhuang County developed symptoms with stomachache and diarrhea, according to the county government.

As of Saturday, 15 boys and 24 girls have been confirmed with the infectious diarrhea at the boarding school.

Twenty-two of them remained in the township hospital for medical observation and five pupils have been transferred to the Xinhuang County People's Hospital. A dozen of the students whose symptoms have been relieved were sent home.

Local government authorities have conducted a comprehensive disinfection in the campus. Investigations into the incident are under way.

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