China / Government

Vice Premier Zhang Gaoli's speech at China-ASEAN Expo

(Xinhua) Updated: 2014-09-17 13:38

Ladies and gentlemen, friends,

This year marks the beginning of the second decade of China-ASEAN strategic partnership. Our relations are at a new historical starting point. The Chinese government will, as always, attach great importance to advancing friendship and cooperation with ASEAN. While staying committed to forging friendship and partnership with our neighbors, we will develop our relations with ASEAN under the principle of "amity, sincerity, mutual benefit and inclusiveness".

China will continue to give priority to ASEAN in its neighborhood diplomacy, support ASEAN's growth and its endeavor to build the ASEAN Community, and support the centrality of ASEAN in regional cooperation. We are ready to work hand in hand with ASEAN for a sound, stable and dynamic China-ASEAN relationship.

China, now engaged in deepening comprehensive reform and opening wider to the outside world, is working towards the Chinese dream of the great renewal of the Chinese nation. ASEAN, as a thriving organization of developing countries, is also moving towards its goal of building the ASEAN Community by 2015. We share similar development goals.

We both give priority to growing our economies and improving people's livelihood so as to build an even brighter future. Since the beginning of this year, China's economy has been within a proper range, with major indicators meeting our expectations for the year. In the first half of 2014, our GDP grew at 7.4%, leading major economies in the world.

Such a growth rate is conducive to China's effort in adjusting economic structure and improving the quality and performance of economic growth, and to the steady recovery of world economy as well. In the coming five years, China will import more than US$10 trillion worth of goods. Our outbound direct investment will exceed US$500 billion. Our outbound tourists will be over 500 million. The sustained and sound growth of Chinese economy will continue to drive world economic growth and bring more benefits to the people of ASEAN countries.

China is committed to the path of peaceful development and the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence. China is ready to join hands with all the other countries to pursue, uphold and share peace so that we will be able to live in amity and enjoy common development.

The peace and stability of the South China Sea concerns regional development and prosperity and the wellbeing of the people, hence serving the common interests of all the countries in the region.

China firmly upholds its territorial sovereignty, maritime rights and interests and national security. At the same time, we are committed to peacefully solving disputes with countries directly concerned through consultations and negotiations on the basis of respect for history and international law.

China is ready to work with ASEAN countries to implement the Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the South China Sea in a comprehensive and effective manner, actively advance the consultation on a code of conduct in the South China Sea, enhance dialogue and communication, promote practical cooperation, remove various disruptions and build the South China Sea into a sea of peace, friendship and cooperation.

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