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Xi talks with Obama, pledges commitment to new-type of major-country relations

Updated: 2014-11-12 09:56 (Xinhua)

Xi talks with Obama, pledges commitment to new-type of major-country relations

Chinese President Xi Jinping (L Front) holds a welcoming ceremony for US President Barack Obama (R Front) at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing, capital of China, Nov 12, 2014.

New Type of Military Relations

At the meeting, Xi proposed "a new type of military relations" that suits the new type of major-country relationship between China and the US

Xi said that defense departments of the two countries have signed agreements to establish a mutual reporting mechanism on major military operations and a code of safe conduct on naval and air military encounter between the two sides.

The two militaries should deepen exchanges, mutual trust and cooperation based on these agreements, he said.

China would like to make progress in the exchanges between senior officers of the two armed forces, smooth communication mechanism and conduct more joint trainings and drills with the US side.

US Participation in Asian Initiatives

Xi welcomed the US to take part in the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) and the Silk Road Fund initiated by China.

The remarks came days after Xi's announcement that China will contribute 40 billion US dollars to set up a Silk Road Fund, which is to finance infrastructure development in countries along "the Silk Road Economic Belt" and "the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road", both initiatives raised by China.

Last month, a total of 21 Asian economies inked a Memorandum of Understanding on the establishment of the AIIB with an expected initial subscribed capital of 50 billion US dollars.

Taiwan, Tibet

Xi urged the US to follow the one-China policy and principles set by the three joint communiques between the two countries and asked the US government to stop arms sales to Taiwan and support cross-Strait peace with "actual actions."

In response, Obama assured that there has been no change of the US stance on Taiwan and it does not support "Taiwan independence."

The US favors the improvement of cross-Strait relations and expects it to continue, he said.

Obama also stressed that the US acknowledges Tibet as part of the People's Republic of China and does not back "Tibet independence."

Landmark Goals for Climate Change

After their meeting, China and the US issued a joint announcement on climate change, listing ambitious goals and pledging joint efforts to tackle climate change in the next 15 years.

The United States intends to achieve "an economy-wide target of reducing its emissions by 26 to 28 percent below its 2005 level in 2025" and to make best efforts to reduce its emissions by 28 percent, according to the announcement.

China's carbon dioxide emission is expected to hit the peak around 2030 and it intends to increase the share of non-fossil fuels in primary energy consumption to around 20 percent by 2030.

Consensus Against Terrorism

Xi and Obama jointly denounced all forms of terrorism and pledged to fight terrorism together by following the Charter of the United Nations and fundamental principles in international relations.

The two countries will also improve cooperation in law enforcement, such as jointly hunting down fugitives, recovering their ill-gotten assets, fighting drug trafficking and cyber crimes.