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Policeman accused of owning 69 properties under investigation

By Su Zhou ( Updated: 2014-12-02 20:36

A policeman in Ningbo, Zhejiang province is under investigation after being accused of owning 69 properties, Beijing Youth Daily reported.

According to Ningbo Municipal Public Security Bureau, a special investigative team led by the city's discipline inspection commission is currently investigating a policeman surnamed Shen. The bureau declined to share details with the press due to the complexity of the case.

"The case involves issues such as where Shen obtained the money to buy so many apartments, whether he defraud money from banks, whether he violated the law and discipline," said an unnamed officer from the bureau. "The process of investigation will be very complicated."

A spokesperson for the Ningbo Municipal Public Security Bureau said that if Shen did violate the law, he will be disciplined.

The investigation was spurred on by online rumors that Shen had two identification cards and 69 properties. The posts online claimed that Shen used his personal identification card for work and his marriage license, while he used the fake one to buy apartments.

The online posts also accused Shen of defrauding money from the bank.

The public documents showed that Shen, 42, joined Cixi branch of public security in Cixi district Ningbo in 2002. He was transferred to his current position in 2012. The majority of his properties were reportedly purchased around 2010.

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