China / Latest News

Hunting down financial suspects hiding overseas

[2014-12-31 07:44]

'Fox Hunt' highlights successes of broader anti-graft drive, but more work needed.

Crackdown hits officials at all levels

[2014-12-31 07:44]

Zhou Yongkang, the former domestic security chief, has been placed under investigation for alleged corruption, according to the Supreme People's Procuratorate.

Senior figures named by authorities in campaign against corruption, misconduct

[2014-12-31 07:44]

The CPC Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, the country's top anti-graft agency, conducts initial investigations of officials suspected of violating Party rules. Once there is sufficient evidence of wrongdoing, such as accepting bribes and abusing power, suspects are directed to judicial departments for prosecution.

Military top brass not spared in cleanup

[2014-12-31 07:44]

Senior officers of the People's Liberation Army suspected of wrongdoing have not been spared during the country's anti-graft drive.

Sacrifices required as inspectors chase prey

[2014-12-31 07:44]

Editor's Note: China's fight against graft is casting a wide net at home and abroad. China Daily tallies the haul.

Eight sentenced to death for Xinjiang terrorist attacks

[2014-12-08 18:11]

A Xinjiang court sentenced eight to death on Monday in connection with two terrorist attacks that occurred in April and May in Urumqi.

Death sentences upheld in Kunming terror attack case

[2014-10-31 13:48]

A Chinese court upheld the death sentences given to three men for their involvement in a terrorist attack in which 31 were killed at a railway station in Kunming.

Senior officials appointed for corruption-hit province

[2014-09-30 15:07]

Five senior officials were appointed Tuesday in the corruption-plagued North China's Shanxi province.

Kashgar opens online channel for terrorism tip-offs

[2014-09-16 19:56]

Xinjiang's Kashgar has launched an online platform for the public to report terrorist activity.

Man detained for spreading terrorist rumor

[2014-09-14 16:21]

A young man has received a seven-day administrative detention in Kuitun City in northwestern China's Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region for spreading terrorist rumors, local police confirmed on Sunday.

Beijing to test anti-terror mechanism prior to APEC meeting

[2014-08-31 06:45]

Beijing police will launch an eight-week secret inspection on anti-terror precautionary work to guarantee security for the APEC Economic Leaders' Meeting scheduled to be held in Beijing in November.

Terror leader warns youngsters

[2014-08-27 04:13]

Memetuhut Memetrozi, co-founder of the terrorist East Turkestan Islamic Movement, has urged young people not to be tricked by religious extremists or to become one, as he once did.
