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CPPCC National Committee session opens in Beijing

(chinadaily.com.cn) Updated: 2013-03-03 21:28

The National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC), the country's top political advisory body, convened for its annual session in Beijing Sunday.

At the opening meeting in the Great Hall of the People, CPPCC National Committee Chairman Jia Qinglin delivered a report on the past five years of the Standing Committee’s work.

Jia said the CPPCC has made important contributions to the country's development in scientific development, social stability, China's reunification and foreign exchanges, among others.

Jia highly praised the CPPCC’s recent achievements, saying the political advisory body had "written a new chapter in its history".

In regards to its future work, Jia said, the CPPCC should better play its role as an important channel for promoting consultative democracy by enriching the forms of communication and improving the advisory system.

As an open forum where the ruling CPC, non-Communist parties and people without party affiliation discuss state affairs freely and on an equal footing, the CPPCC has been the manifestation of China's socialist democracy.

About 2,200 members of the 12th CPPCC National Committee from different parts of the country will discuss major issues concerning the country's development. The committee will also elect the new members to the top advisory body.

Videographer: Yu Chenkang

Editor: Yu Chenkang

Producer: Flora Yue

CPPCC National Committee session opens in Beijing

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