China / Opinion

Rule of law vital in fighting corruption

(chinadaily.com.cn) Updated: 2013-08-12 21:19

We need to promote the rule of law to better fight corruption, said a column in Beijing News (excerpts below).

The recent case of the judges, court workers, prostitutes and the nightclub made a number of headlines.

The case, publicized by a whistleblower, has not only encouraged anti-corruption efforts, but also sent a warning to corrupt officials: somebody may be watching you.

The participation of more members of the general public will boost the fight against corruption.

However, the example in Shanghai can hardly be copied easily. Not everyone is bold enough to blow the whistle or to do it so dramatically.

The best way to fight corruption lies in promoting the rule of law, which makes the activities of officials transparent and supervised.

Society can help fight corruption but the efforts of ordinary people must not be the only weapon in fighting the scourge of graft.

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