China / Hot Issues

Taxi strike has widened to Nanjing

By CANG WEI (China Daily) Updated: 2015-01-10 08:31

"We hope that the fuel surcharges can be raised, the double-billing hours extended to 24 hours and the ride-hailing apps that allow private cars to enter the market banned," Liu said.

On Sunday, taxi drivers in Shenyang, Liaoning province, went on strike, demanding that all private cars be prohibited from acting as taxis.

On Thursday, China's Ministry of Transport issued a regulation allowing only licensed taxis to offer services through the apps.

The ministry said that while innovations are welcomed, the ride-hailing apps should be covered by the country's transport regulations and do not provide a platform for private car owners to enter the taxi business.

Some local governments have put forward similar rules.

This week, Beijing and Shanghai decided to fine drivers 30,000 yuan to 100,000 yuan if they use a private car as a taxi. In December, the Shanghai government detained and fined 12 private car drivers

The transportation department in Zibo, Shandong province, banned the use of the Didi Zhuanche service, which enables the use of private cars.

In October, the transportation departments of Shenyang and Nanjing began fining car owners for acting as taxis.

Zhu Pingdou, vice-president of app maker Didi Dache, said the company "felt sorry" that the Zhuanche service had been banned.

"The service has provided a solution to many cities' traffic problem," Zhu said. "Maybe it should not be simply banned; it provides convenience to passengers."

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