China / Government

Full transcript of policy briefing of the State Council on Feb 27, 2015

( Updated: 2015-02-27 21:43

Liu Yuting:

As for your question, the spokesman for the State Administration for Industry & Commerce has already responded twice to related issues.

Next, industrial and commercial departments will further administer by law, improve market supervision, and let the enterprises and industries play a full role in self-regulation, and give a better supervisory role to society and government.

All the parties will therefore work together to maintain the market order of online shopping, and safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of consumers.

Regulating the market by law is one of the government’s obligations, with the aims of creating a fair and safe market for consumers, and facilitating the healthy development of the economy.

As a new industry, the Internet industry has made an impact and brought challenges to China’s current legislation and supervision. Though controversies and disagreements remain in some issues of detail, there are no principal contradictions between the development of Internet companies and the regulatory system. They share the same goal of creating a fair market and promoting economic development.

Among the problems that have been exposed, some were caused by the fact that some laws and regulations are lagging behind the current industrial development, some problems are about how to understand the industry during its development, but more problems are about how to strike a balance between driving innovation and risk prevention.

In this regard, we will first of all improve laws and regulations to meet the demands of economic development. We will actively promote the revision of related laws and regulations to form a legally regulatory network with the participation of government, industry, enterprises and the society.

Second, we will ask regulatory departments to change ideas and means that are not adaptive with the development of the Internet industry. We will deepen reform and let the market fully play its regulating role.

Third, the Internet companies should also strengthen communication with related government departments, actively put forward the problems they have encountered and raise useful suggestions. The authorities, in return, should give more instructions to the companies.

Thank you.

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