China / Society

Ex-official defends reduced sentence

By Wu Yan ( Updated: 2015-06-16 09:30

Ex-official defends reduced sentence

Repent for crime

Zhang was accused by the then Hubei provincial secretary of committing five crimes; exaggerating statistical data, selling official positions, developing relationships with many women, gambling and taking bribes.

A previous report said he had sexual relationships with more than 100 women by abusing his power during more than 10 years in office.

Zhang confessed to the allegation but said that the number is not accurate.

He explained his sex life as being "deeply affected by western culture".

As for accepting bribes, Zhang said he thought he would lose face and be barred from official circles if he did not take them . He would no longer accept bribes no matter what, he said.

Zhang now leads a new life, having opened a tea house. He cherishes his freedom and wants to live a quiet life.

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