China / Society

Woman sentenced to death over kindergarten food poisoning

(Xinhua) Updated: 2015-06-16 17:22

KUNMING - A Chinese woman was sentenced to death for killing two kindergarten pupils with poisonous snacks by a court in the southwestern province of Yunnan on Tuesday.

The court deprived 45-year-old Zhao Jianzhi of political rights for life and ordered her to pay 72,722 yuan ($11,691 dollars) in compensation to the victims.

Thirty-two children showed symptoms of food poisoning on March 19, 2014 in Jiajia Kindergarten in Qiubei County. Two died and another three were seriously harmed.

According to the court statement, Zhao committed the crime in revenge for being forced by the kindergarten's use. She confessed that she put poison in a bag of snacks and threw it into a classroom through a window.

Zhao is appealing her sentence.

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