China / Education

Conference honors centenary of Chinese preeminent medical expert

By Liu Shanshan ( Updated: 2015-07-08 10:39

Conference honors centenary of Chinese preeminent medical expert

Guo Weiqin, daughter of Guo Shikui, makes a speech during the seminar marking the 100th birthday of her father at the Beijing University of Chinese Medicine, June 27, 2015. [Photo provided to]

Dr. Guo Weiqin, 75, daughter of Dr. Guo Shikui and now a chief expert in treating cardiovascular disease in the country, became a successor of her father's medical thoughts and inherited the traditional method of blood-activating and stasis-dissolving in treating coronary heart disease patients.

She recalled her father's experiences in curing illness and stories with patients, calling on TCM practitioners to learn medical ethics and devotion from Dr. Guo and to blaze new trails in TCM research and treatments.

Dr. Wang Biqin, a third generation successor of Dr. Guo's medical thoughts, said TCM pharmaceutics are not so well-known currently as some TCM therapies including acupuncture and massage that are recognized worldwide. Guo's medical science cultivated the remote area of Chinese traditional patent medicines, which is a path that we should follow to explore and develop Chinese medicine and make it more accessible and acceptable to westerners.

Dr. Liu Yanzhu, the chairman of the Acupuncture Corporation of America, is one of thousands of Chinese TCM promoters working in the United States.

Liu, research scientist of Columbia University, who is also a third generation successor of Dr. Guo's medical thoughts, spoke about the mission and urgency to promote TCM abroad.

He said the general public in the US has started to accept TCM therapies such as acupuncture as a more effective way to cure diseases.

"It's a great obligation for TCM practitioners abroad to shoulder the responsibility of promoting TCM and serving people around the world with highly qualified and standardized Chinese medicines and therapies," said Dr. Liu.

Conference honors centenary of Chinese preeminent medical expert

Guests and medical fund donors pose for a group photo after the seminar, June 27, 2015. [Photo provided to]

A medical fund in the name of Dr. Guo Shikui was founded during the conference in a bid to promote, develop and inherit Guo's academic thoughts of activating blood and removing stasis.

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