China / Society

Beijing Internet media visit anti-fascist memorial park in Inner Mongolia

( Updated: 2015-08-17 10:11

Beijing Internet media visit anti-fascist memorial park in Inner Mongolia

Representatives of Beijing Internet media listen to the introduction about Haila'er World Anti-fascist War Memorial Park on August 5. [Photo/]

Representatives from 30 Beijing-based Internet media and the Beijing Internet Information Office visited the World Anti-fascist War Memorial Park in Haila'er, Inner Mongolia autonomous region on August 5, as a stop of the 2015 Red Homeland Tour for Beijing Internet Media.

"Inner Mongolia contributed a lot for the victory of the Chinese people's resistance against Japanese aggression," said Zhu Dianjun, a director of Chinese news portal NetEase after visiting the park, hoping that more people will remember this history and cherish peace, through the publicity of portals.

The Haila'er World Anti-fascist Memorial Park was rebuilt from Japanese army's fort in Haila'er. The 110-hectare park is a 5A-level red tourism park showing patriotism, internationalism and revolutionary heroism.

The park has a museum, themed square, war relics and tourism facilities above ground, and the underground maintains the old look of the Japanese army's military works.

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