China / Society

Sudan wants to learn from China's experiences

By Zhang Xiang ( Updated: 2015-08-27 22:00

Sudan, like other countries in Africa, wants to learn from China's experiences in achieving success, said a former leader of the country.

Abdel Rahman Swar Al-Dahab, a former president, made his remark on the sidelines of the Fourth China-Africa People's Forum in Yiwu, East China's Zhejiang province on Wednesday.

"China has potential that other countries don't possess, which is also what African countries need," he said. "We hope that there are some ways we can pass China's good experiences on to Sudan."

In past decades China has helped Sudan with many problems such as building big projects, he said, adding there are also some cooperative projects which show the strong relationship between China and Sudan.

"Sudan is a developing country which is in bad need of Chinese products," he said. "We also hope that our Chinese friends could build some factories in Sudan to manufacture these products."

As China has opened its door to Sudan's businessmen and tourists, the country needs further cooperation to strengthen friendship and mutual trust between the countries, he said.

Political leaders, dignitaries and representatives of NGOs, youth organizations and think-tanks from nearly 30 African countries, as well as Chinese representatives, participated in the forum themed "Joining Efforts Towards Building China-Africa Community of Shared Destinies and Embracing A New Horizon in People-to-People Friendship".

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