China / Personnel Change

Meeting confirms major officials' expulsion

[2015-10-29 19:22]

The fifth plenary session of the 18th Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee on Thursday endorsed prior decisions to revoke the membership of 10 former officials, including Ling Jihua.

Three officials fill key vacancies

[2015-10-29 19:20]

Three new members filled vacancies of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC) on Thursday after former members were expelled from the Party.

Ex-security chief closer to trial date

[2015-01-08 04:01]

Ex-security chief Zhou Yongkang has been handed over to authorities along with 29 other former high-ranking officials, paving the way for his trial.

Former Nanjing party chief expelled from CPC

[2015-07-31 16:35]

Yang Weize, former Party chief of Nanjing, capital of east China's Jiangsu Province, has been stripped of his post and expelled from the Communist Party of China (CPC).

Ex-Party chief in Hebei expelled for graft

[2015-10-17 08:28]

Zhou Benshun, former Party chief of Hebei province, has been expelled from the Communist Party of China and dismissed from public office for multiple offenses including graft, speaking against the Party line and hindering an official investigation.

Anti-graft drive an ongoing fight in China

[2015-10-10 19:55]

Despite the investigation and prosecution of hundreds of officials nationwide, China's commitment to purging corruption is showing no signs of letting up.

Top leadership expected to discuss high-level vacancies

[2015-10-21 07:46]

China's top leadership is expected to discuss how to fill the high-level vacancies left as a result of the nation's anti-graft campaign, according to political scientists and commentators.
